Can I get addicted to Labello?

This is our most frequently asked question! We're aware of the rumor that says lip balm is addictive, but we're happy to say that it is not possible to become chemically addicted to Labello, regardless of what the situation is with other lip balm brands. Addicted to our super cute tubes? Or luscious flavours? Maybe how the products make your lips look (amazing)? Or just generally how brilliantly wonderful our balms and glosses are? Sure, we'd like to think we have a few die-hard fans out there who are “addicted” to all that goodness! But, rest assured that the ingredients in our lip balms and glosses will NEVER cause your lips to chap or dry if you stop using them. Many people use lip balm so often because, well, it just feels so nice to use and lips look better when they're looked after. Did we mention the amazing scents too?

What is the purpose of lip care?

Lip care preserves, nurtures and, when need be, can restore lips to their healthy, natural condition . It's important to keep lips moisturised and protected from things likeweather and seasonal factors. Lip care does both and can even heal damage already done to lips.

Do my lips need extra moisture?

Lips need special care because the skin on your lips is different in structure to the rest of your skin. It's extremely thin and sensitive. Plus, lips have no sweat or sebaceous glands and only a little bit melanin to protect them from the harsh UV rays of the sun. Because of all this, lips do need extra moisture as well as they need special care and protection against general wear and tear and environmental factors.

Chapped lips - what can I do?

If your lips become chapped, it’s important to act immediately so they heal and you avoid infections. First, don't lick them! Second, find a lip care product that can instantly create a moisturising barrier on lips that will also replenish the dry, irritated skin with special care and active ingredients specifically included to help lips recover. Labello Med or SOS Lip Repair are perfectly formulated to help instantly soothe and moisturise chapped lips to bring them back to their healthy, natural state.

Does Labello dry out my lips?

No, Labello lip care won't dry out your lips. All our products provides the lips with long lasting moisture, even when they have other features like tints, shimmer or are gloss textured. The skin on your lips requires special care and protection, which Labello products provide. You'll notice your lips are moisturised and soft when using Labello.

How is the tolerability of cosmetic preparations tested?

Our cosmetics are thoroughly tested for skin toleration before being approved for market release. These tests are conducted both in our own research department and by independent research institutes. We do not test on animals. However, though we do test for skin toleration before we launch any product, it is impossible to entirely rule out cases of irritation caused by exceptional individual sensitivity to one or any of the ingredients.